
Yukata-Kimono open photo shoot and gathering (2014-08-17)

A minor break from the recent string of standard cosplay shoots.The experience was surprisingly refreshing since I was forced to deviate from my usual shooting techniques.

Having participated in fashion and cosplay photo shoots, I've become accustomed to dynamic (read: contorted) poses and colors that "pop". In contrast to this, the garments worn during the event had less saturated hues. The kimono in particular also restricted the movement of the ladies, and that led to more neutral poses.

Consequently, the scenario favored standard portrait shots in ambient light. Most of the poses didn't call for unusual shooting angles, and using external flash was more cumbersome than useful. The Lensbaby also got a bit of the action after rotting in storage for over a year.

Incidentally, it has been a while since I last participated in a shoot wherein the photographers were not greatly outnumbered by the models.

The inevitable consequence of having a firing squad is that we often found ourselves blocking somebody else' shot, but that's a small price to pay for being able to watch fellow photographers as they work. I look forward to the next learning experience with my peers.

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